Feng Shui – Well-being through and through

Supported by experts

 Pamela Jentner, expert for vital buildings and her team supervise this hotel project from day one. 

 The unique concept with feng shui, room psychology, geomancy and building biology generates vibrantly working and above all perceptible feelgood factors.


The building and its rooms were developed (design, equipment, content of vital energy, usage of geomantic force fields) to provide the people staying there with refreshing vital energy. The hotel rooms give a certain benefit, for example good sleep, relaxation, sociability, cheerfulness and communication.  


The pure presence suffices that guests and employees can soak up this energy. The energized and vitalized rooms work smoothly, harmoniously, give you energy and build you up. Own thoughts and emotions are focused on the essentials. Pleasant rest and relaxation make itself felt. 


Learn more about the backgrounds of feng shui, geomancy und building biology here, just click the respective term.